We Bulid Apps With
Node Js,Laravel,React Js

Top-notch digital products from an app development company with a focus on your online business profitability


Service We Offered

App Development

App Development

Our company offers full-stack development of Web and native/hybrid mobile apps.

UI & UX Designing

UI & UX Designing

Our top-notch UI/UX design experts & 3D artists will design your applications and logo on-demand.



We build Blockchain apps(Hyperledger, dApps, SmartContracts) and help with your ICO and Coin Exchange.

Chat Bot

Chat Bot

Empower your service with our custom CHAT BOTS and extend your reach to Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Email and Kik.

Enterprise Mobility

Enterprise Mobility

Hire our Consultants, Strategy experts and Growth hackers for conditional support and maintenance.

Startup Kit

Startup Kit

A complete package for startps to choose from Ideation, Market research & analysis, MVP and marketing.

Resource Hiring

Resource Hiring

Need dedicated experts in coding, design, Business development & Sales? Contact us to know more!

About us

Mayukam's Ethics

Client Centric Development

Client Centric Development

We focus on the requirements given by clients to develop a customised application and make it Business ready. Our delivery will always be a turn-key solution.

Agile Model

Agile Model

Our team follows Agile development process to ensure the perfect quality of the product and utmost satisfaction of the client.

Dedicated Development Team

Dedicated Development Team

We assign our dedicated team to projects for cost-effectivity and instant support for our premium clients.

24*7 Support

24*7 Support

Every project gets a dedicated business executive available on support during working days and a Project manager on support during delivery phase.

Backups & Network Security

Backups & Network Security

Our closed network with Secure Shell encryption is of cutting-edge security which protects our deployment server and regularly backups the complete source code of project.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Before each deployment and delivery, the project is passed through our Quality Assurance Engineers to avoid any oversight and maintain sturdy Infrastructure.

Our Success
Our Process

Process Designed for Success

Idea Validation

Idea Validation

Our Technology Consultants hold a discussion with our valuable clients to understand and analyse the project requirements. With the help of Project managers, they create a blueprint for the project.

Design Iteration

Design Iteration

Once the blueprint for the project is complete, our UI/UX experts create an end-to-end design prototype that befits the clients requirements. The design iterations are completed to proceed with the development.

Software Development

Software Development

Development of the project is split into multiple phases of delivery to maintain a steady progress. At the end of development, QA team approve the product quality for safe deployment.

Deployment & Support

Deployment & Support

At the end of development and upon client confirmation, the product is deployed into a live server and Support period assigned for the project begins for safe deployment


Our Most Used Development Technologies

Looking for a reliable app development partner?

Industries We Serve

Industries We Serve

Retail & E-Commerence

On Demand Solutions

Eduction & e-learning

Logistic & Distribution

Food & Restaurants

Social Media

Travel & Hospitality

Real Estate

Our Expertise

As a pioneer in latest & trending technologies, we have worked with varying type of businesses from all over the world. Our app development experience spans from a Minimum Viable Product to a Fully Scalable Enterprise product based on the business requirements.

Start Up Business

Small & Medium Business



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